Our training and software offerings are organised around four main themes:
Everything we do in formation evaluation is based on measurements we make, either downhole or at the surface on rock or fluid samples. As measurements become more complicated, understanding how they are made becomes more important to getting the most value out of them. We have particular experience with electromagnetic measurements, advanced nuclear measurements, and nuclear magnetic resonance. We are also experienced with routine and special core analysis measurements, as well as advanced measurements for laboratory characterisation of porous media. We have advanced processing and interpretation software to get the most value out of these measurements, and can provide focussed training on these different measurements.
Specific methodologies or workflows provide the backbone of formation evaluation. We are expert in quick-look log analysis techniques, ancient log analysis, rock typing, saturation-height functions, and cased-hole evaluation, and have training and software offerings focussed on each of these workflows.
Every geological environment presents its own specific challenges, and requires its own specific workflows and interpretation methods. We have solutions for shaly sands, thinly bedded formations, carbonates, igneous and metamorphic basement reservoirs, volcanics, shale gas and liquids, and coal seam gas, and can offer software and training to address the complexities of each of these environments.
Although formation evaluation as an approach to integrated evaluation of subsurface borehole data grew out of the oil & gas industry, the methods and concepts are applicable in multiple industrial sectors. We are experienced at applying these methods in the oil & gas, geothermal, groundwater, and mining industries, and can deliver customised training and software focussed on each of these sectors.